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   Protest.Net  /  Boston Protest Hotline  

Peace And Justice Events Hotline (617) 787-6809

The Hotline is a way for people to convey and get information about a wide variety of progressive events and organizations by making one phone call. The announcements you record can be heard by every-one calling this number.

The Hotline is not a tape recorded message. Using a touch-tone phone, you can easily select what you want to hear or quickly record a new event announcement if you wish to do so.

A Powerful Tool For Social Change

The Peace and Justice Events Hotline is a valuable tool for progressive organizations. The Peace and Justice Events Hotline gives you the voice you need to get your message out.

History Of The Hotline

The Peace and Justice Events Hotline started during the 1991 war in the Persian Gulf. The MIT Initiative for Peace used it as an information center for groups working to end U.S. intervention in the middle east. The Hotline was accessed by thousands of callers and by all organizations who were actively opposing U.S. military intervention in Iraq.

After the war, a small group of dedicated individuals reorganized the hotline on an informal basis as a broad service to progressive groups in the Greater Boston Area.

A grant from the Haymarket Foundation, has covered most of the start up expenses. This grant helped assure that the Hotline will survive as a permanent service.

The challenge now for the wide variety of organizations to make full use of this valuable resource.

We encourage the widest possible use of the Hotline, and naturally listing an event in no way implies endorsement by the Peace & Justice Hotline Support Committee.

Tips On Using The Hotline

When you are recording an announcement, it is very important to convey the spirit of your event in the Headline. If you don't attract their attention, they may just skip to the next event.

Obviously the earlier you post your announcement, the more people will hear it. Don't wait for all the details to be settled to post your event. If people know your event is happening, they can hold that time free. You can always update the announcement later.

We suggest that you place announcements about the Hotline in your newsletter, and encourage everyone to monitor the Hotline for your events.

You do not need a touch tone line to use the hotline (and other similar voice mail services). Many newer push button phones have a Pulse/Tone dial switch that you set to Pulse Dial if you don't have a touch tone line. You can call the hotline and then set the switch to Tone and you will be able to access all the information on the Hotline. Remember to switch back to pulse before you make the next call, until you switch back you can not dial out!

For information about creating a Peace & Justice Hotline in your area write Peace and Justice Hotline
121 Tremont St. #311
Brighton, MA 02135 USA

Peace And Justice Events Hotline (617) 787-6809

The only way to get the full impact of the Hotline is to call it!

How To Listen To Events

1.   Dial (617) 787-6809 using a touch tone phone. If you have a push button phone set to pulse dial, see the "TIPS on using the Hotline" section.

2.   A description of the hotline will greet you. If you have already heard it, push 5.

3.   Listen to the choice of categories and choose one using the numbers on the telephone.

4.   Listen to the listed events in sequence. Push the appropriate button to skip ahead or backward.

How To Post Events

1.   Follow instructions above from 1 to 3. 2.   Once you have chosen a category press 1 to be guided through posting an event. Have ready the following information:
      a. A brief headline on lead in for the event
      b. The date and time of the event
      c. The location of the event
      d. Handicap access information
      e. The sponsoring organization
      f. A contact telephone number
      g. A description of the event including whether translation into other languages is available.

You should go back, check or rerecord any of the sections if you desire.

Press 3 to save the announcement.

Feel free to update announcements as new information becomes available. The old announcements will be removed by the operator.

Please note that events without a contact telephone number are subject to removal.

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